Tag: Manchester United

Galatasaray fans in the Champions League  - Creative Commons https://www.google.com/search?q=galatasaray%20fans&tbm=isch&tbs=il:cl&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB1077GB1078&hl=en-US&sa=X&ved=0CAAQ1vwEahcKEwj40Km-m9qBAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg&biw=1903&bih=963#imgrc=T1wvFhZtGFRvcM

Salford Quays bars prepare ahead of the Galatasaray fixture: “We’re treating it like every other away game”

Salford Quays bar and restaurants should expect an influx of Galatasaray fans tonight ahead of the Champions League tie. An […]

screen shot taken from a youtube video and then cropped

“If social media was around Docherty would have gone, but thankfully we just roared back after that” – Salford author releases a new book about Manchester United during the seventies

Salford author Roy Cavanagh MBE has released his new book ‘The Big Manchester United Book Of The Seventies’, after spending […]

permission to use, sent from pete who owns all copyright

“I haven’t got a title for it yet, but it feels like it should be called: Comeback Fergie” – Salford author has finally began writing the follow up to his previous book

Written by Salford authour Pete Molyneux, the book will cover the fall and rise of Manchester United in the post […]

Marcus Rashford. Image Credit: Zoe Bott

Marcus Rashford’s free school meal campaign supported by Salford council and local businesses

Manchester United player Marcus Rashford had managed to convince the government to continue the distribution of free school meals in […]