Bin collections

Residents in Salford can now recycle household plastics like pots, tubs and trays in their mixed recycling bin, as indoor recycling is widened.

The decision will allow more plastic items to be thrown in mixed household recycling compared to the previous rules limiting it to plastic bottles.

The decision will now allow households across Salford to recycle more plastic in their brown bin recycling.

Plastic films like crisp packets, bread bags, pet food pouches and carrier bags, still cannot be recycled.

The new change to recycling across the Greater Manchester Combined Authority comes ahead of the new government initiative called Simpler Recycling.

The project will require all local authorities to improve recycling and waste collection services in England for businesses in 2025, and households by 2026.

Cllr Tom Ross, portfolio lead for waste and recycling for the GCMA, said: “Signing the biggest waste management contract in Europe with Suez has given us the stability and confidence to invest in our recycling facilities.

“We’re already in the top five authorities in the UK for recycling rates and this will help us to continue leading the way.

“These upgrades will keep up our momentum on recycling, giving us time to build our new, cutting-edge materials recovery centre in Manchester while supporting residents to recycle more easily.”

For more guidance on the developments click here.

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