Salford Carers Week

Carers in Salford have been invited to free, fun and relaxing activities this week in order to celebrate their dedication. 

Carers Week (June 10-16) is an annual campaign, led by Carers UK to “raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to communities.”

A carer is anyone, adult or child, who looks after someone (unwaged) due to their illness, disability, or substance misuse who can’t cope without their support.

The free events during Carers Week range from a tea party at Salford Royal Hospital, a dementia walk and picnic in Victoria Park, free health-checks, group walks and a Carers Week treasure hunt.

For the event times and more, click here.

Councillor John Merry, Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “We’d like to encourage carers in Salford to join in with all the free activities that will be celebrating and supporting them during Carers Week. Unpaid carers make a huge contribution to families and communities, they do fantastic work and there is a lot of help and support that’s available.

“One of the ways carers can access this support is to have a carers assessment and our Carers Service at Gaddum can give information and advice about this. Having a carers assessment  can lead to receiving the right help and support for things like, having  a break from your caring role, support from other carers and much more.”

For more details of the Carers Week events in Salford visit Events – Gaddum  call 0161 834 6069, or email

For information on carers assessments, click here.

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