Police are appealing for information after a number of people were assaulted inside a pub on Gore Street in Salford.

At around 12.35am this morning (May 24) officers responded to reports that a man was assaulting members of the public in the pub in Salford.

Four people were injured but the injuries are not believed to be life-threatening or changing.

The man left the pub shortly thereafter. No arrests have been made at this stage and enquiries are ongoing.

Investigators have visited the scene and work is being undertaken to ascertain the full details of the incident.

Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact the police via 101 or gmp.police.uk, quoting log number 78 of 24/05/24.

Officers are particularly keen for anyone with any relevant CCTV, dashcam, or mobile phone footage.

Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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