Citizen Award

An 85-year-old Salford resident who dedicated her life to the care of local people has been presented with the Mayor’s Citizen Award.

The Salford Mayor Paul Dennett and Councillor Gina Reynolds presented Elaine Brettell with the award in recognition “of her unwavering dedication and exceptional service.”

Elaine Brettell’s commitment to serving others began when she worked as registered nurse at Salford Royal Hospital. Elaine started working at the hospital in 1954 and devoted the next 45 years of her life to the care and well-being of patients.

Citizen Award

Elaine also became a volunteer for the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service, putting in 25 years of service to the NHS and the people of Salford.

The Ceremonial Mayor of Salford and Councillor Gina Reynolds said: “Salford is a great city and it is people like Elaine that go above and beyond to make it the special place it is. Her tireless efforts and compassionate spirit has made a huge difference to people’s lives. She is a true inspiration and I’m so proud we have her living here.

“Her kindness, compassion, and dedication have earned her the admiration of all who know her. The presentation of the Mayor’s Citizen Award celebrates Elaine’s remarkable legacy of service and compassion.”

As well as her contributions to healthcare, Elaine is also involved in various community initiatives, including volunteering at a local charity shop which highlights her commitment to making a difference.

Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “I was truly honoured to have met Elaine Brettell who has nursed at Hope Hospital, now Salford Royal Hospital, for 45 years and completed 25 years volunteering at the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS), all at the young age of 85.

“Well done and thank you Elaine.”

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