This week, Salford Now posted an article on the increase in development projects across Salford and residents had a lot to say about it. 

The article mentioned the Manchester Crane survey which concluded that Salford is experiencing a “positive” boom in local regeneration plans.

According to the report, Salford has experienced a record year, with over 3000 new homes under construction across eight schemes in the Salford Central area of the city.

One resident commented: “I don’t mind change if it’s for the better of Salford residents. I just worry about the shortage of houses for the people who can’t afford to buy or rent these over priced apartments. We need property of shared ownership.

“Our city appears to be of many allowing developers to build houses and apartments that are way over priced for people starting out and young families.”

A lot of the residents who commented on the article seemed to be displeased with the findings, as they feel the developments projects don’t benefit “real Salford people.”

Another resident commented: “The only people to benefit are the developers and the city council. As for the people, forget it. All this money that supposedly comes in on the back of these developments never sees the light of day for true Salford people.”

Image credit: Middlewood Locks

Another claimed: “That photo (above) isn’t representative of the real Salford. It is a small part on which a lot of money has been spent whilst they can’t even sweep the pavements over the rest of the city.”

Some residents however did see the positives in some of Salford’s regeneration projects.

One resident added: “Love how that whole area where the render is off Middlewood Locks is developing. It was so grim and derelict before. Great location to live too there now, with an easy walk to the city centre.

“It’s lovely and makes Salford a far better place.”

Despite the comments, Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said he believes the survey highlights “again more positivity for the city.”

Mayor Paul stated: “We’re creating desirable opportunities for developers and ultimately for businesses and local residents in the city.

“The findings follow on from the 2023 report, and the evidence is here that we are responding to the needs of the market and delivering with real tangible outcomes across the sector.”

*The residents were not named in this article in order to respect their privacy.*

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