Salford Wildlife Group is celebrating World Wildlife Day with presentations and photographs by local enthusiasts.
World Wildlife Day is a United Nations International day, to celebrate the contributions of the world’s wild animals and plants to the planet’s wellbeing.
A presentation event celebrating the international day in Salford takes place at Laudato Si Centre, Wardley Hall in Worsley on 3rd March 2023 at 12pm, and can be booked here.

Steve North of the Salford Wildlife Group said: “Salford has some protected wild species, for example, bats, great crested newts, water voles and badgers. We have areas such as Barton and Chat Moss that are homes to many wild animals and birds, which we need to protect.
“But there are also animals that live more closely among us like hedgehogs, that we can help and we hope people can learn more about how to do this at the event.

“We do hope to see representatives from the city council and other institutions that can have a larger impact on wildlife protection, and are pleased to be welcoming school children as they are key to making this sustainable.
“We will be joined by Dave Steel, who is a birdwatcher and photographer who spends much of his time at Little Woolden Moss and we have Wendy Ann Gibson from Withington Hedgehog Sanctuary. We will also display photographs taken by other Salford Wildlife enthusiasts.”

World Wildlife Day coincides with the birthday of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), signed in 1973.
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