Bowling clubs in the Eccles District are accepting new and younger members to their Rota for next summer.
Eccles District Bowling Club have put out the plea in order to continue the centuries old sport.
Ian Blythe, The Competitive Events Secretary of Eccles District Bowling club said: “Anyone can come down and get involved really. It can be a bit different if young people want to get involved because it’s not what we are used to, but they are more than welcome to come down and practice.
“They can gain the best practice by playing with county players. Everyone is welcome at Eccles District Bowling clubs.”
Eccles District Bowling Club is the host of many different bowling clubs that are located in Eccles. There are 12 different clubs in the Eccles District including Broadway, Chandos, Moorlands, Newtown Park, Winton Park, Winton Social and others.
Bowls is believed to have been first played in England in the 13th century. A manuscript of the period in the royal library in Windsor, contains a drawing with two players aiming at a small cone instead of an earthenware ball or jack.

Mr Blythe continued: “You don’t need to have any particular skills to get started and you do not need to be strong to be good as its more about the accuracy than power in most cases. We would like more young people to get involved especially for the future.
“Our current members tend to be the older crowd. They always benefit from the social aspects of the sport and i’m sure young people would too. They come in for a coffee and a chat and then enjoy a nice relaxing game of bowls. It’s great for all of them.”
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