The Little Green Deli is helping vulnerable people in the community throughout lockdown.
Amy Shields, the owner, has experience in working with vulnerable people in her second job as a Salford City Council Early Help practitioner.

She decided to become a drop-off point for the Salford Survivors project, allowing people to drop off donations.
This organization helps anyone suffering or affected by domestic or family abuse, so a drop-off point for donations is critical. During the pandemic it has been especially vital, with many being trapped with their abusers, these donations help those who have managed to leave their situation.
According to the Office of National Statistics, there were 259,324 offences alone for domestic abuse-related crimes between March and June 2020, which was a 7% increase from 2019.
This is why drop-offs like Amy’s in The Little Green Deli are vital, as many victims of domestic abuse end up leaving for safety without any essential belongings. Amy was inspired to help, as her friend had reached out to them before.
The Little Green Deli has offered many services and essential drop-off points to those in need. Not only have they been a drop-off point for the Salford Survivors project but The Little Green Deli is also a drop-off point for the annual Christmas Shoe Box appeal.
Amy also decided to offer free packed lunches over the October half term at The Little Green Deli to help out families that struggle to get enough food.
This was offered 7 days a week, instead of 5, as well as letting any child eat for free at her deli.
Amy hopes to offer these meals year round during school breaks.

This is one of the many reasons it is so important to support your local businesses and cafes. Covid has affected all sorts of businesses, including The Little Green Deli’s bar that they open in the evening, which they have not been able to do. They provide essential services for the community and are always looking to interact with the community. The Little Green Deli itself supports other local businesses by getting their products from local suppliers. Some of their suppliers are the Four Sisters Gin, Seven Brothers Beers, Salford Rum Company, Salford Roasters Coffee and a Salford based cake business called Jess’s Vegan Cakes.

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