A Salford councillor has described reports of thieves stealing flowers and floral tributes from graves in Salford as “despicable”.

Councillor David Lancaster, lead member for environment and community safety, slammed the thefts from Agecroft crematorium and the graves at Agecroft cemetery.

Grieving families have gone through the heartbreak of going back to the graves of their loved ones and finding their tributes gone from the graveyards.

Cllr Lancaster said: “To steal flowers left after a funeral is despicable and shows a complete lack of thought for the grieving family at a very difficult time.

“We have alerted the police and made all our cemeteries staff aware of the allegation so they can be extra vigilant.”

Salford City Council have warned the families to be weary of the thieves.

CCTV footage is currently being reviewed by council, with the Greater Manchester police on the case.

Anyone with information is urged to come forward and report it through Crime stoppers on 0800 555111.

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