The museum of Salford-born women’s rights activist Emmeline Pankhurst has passed its fundraising goal to repair the damage caused by a break in.
Windows, furniture and replica ‘Votes for Women’ sashes were damaged last week, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.

The Co-op have donated £10,000 to the Pankhurst Museum.
However, the Co-Operative (Co-op) donated £10,000 to the cause yesterday, adding to the many donations they have received from their fundraising campaign.
A statement from Andrew Lofty, the Co-op’s Constructive and Property Commercial Director, said: “Since our very beginnings inclusivity and diversity have been at the very core of the Co-op. Equal voting rights for women have existed at the Co-op since it began in 1844, and we felt that we could not sit back when an inspirational museum in our home city which celebrates equality needed help.
“We are pleased that our ‘vote’ of confidence in the Pankhurst Centre will enable it to complete the essential repairs needed and look forward again to the future.”
Fundraiser and development manager of the museum, Francesca Raine spoke to Salford Now, saying how much it meant to have received such a positive response to their appeal from both the community and the Co-Op.
“We’ve been overwhelmed by the response from people who have got in touch to offer their support and their solidarity, telling us how much this place means to them and how much the Pankhurst legacy means to them.
“It was a fantastic surprise when they [Co-op] got in touch. We had some conversations last Thursday and Friday. We were blown away by their generosity. £10,000 is a massive amount of money for us as a museum. We don’t receive public funding and we don’t see that kind of money everyday.”
She added that the money will repair the damage done to the windows, doors, furniture and memorabilia as well as installing CCTV around the building to prevent future incidents.
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