SALFORD city councillors held their very own ‘Bake Off’ yesterday.
Inspired by Channel 4’s overwhelmingly popular show, The Great British Bake Off, many councillors baked amazing cakes to be judged by Salford’s ceremonial Mayor, Councillor Peter Connor.

The bake off aimed to raise money for the Ceremonial Mayor’s charity appeals and the appeal to open a new birth centre in Salford to replace the maternity ward at Salford Royal.
Fabulous bake off @SalfordCouncil today part of #SalfordFoodDrink Fortnight. Huge thanks to all that baked and bought! #Salford
— Luis Troyano (@luistroyano) October 16, 2017
It was also timed to coincide with Salford’s Food and Drink Fortnight, held to celebrate Salford’s unique local culture and the fantastic food and drink made here.

Councillor Tracy Kelly, lead member for adult services, health and wellbeing, said: “All the entrants have worked very hard with what they’ve done. It’s great for the staff – a bit of fun never hurts!
“I’m so pleased why they’ve all done it: raising money for the wonderful mayoral charities and the maternity-led unit that we’re fighting hard for to keep babies born in Salford.”
We spoke to the ceremonial mayor of Salford, Peter Connor, about what he thought of the bake off. Listen Here:
For more information on Salford Food and Drink Fortnight, click here.
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