Tag: Manchester

IMAGE - First Year University of Salford Students head to protest against The Conservative Party
Taken by George Icke

“They don’t represent the whole population” – Protesters gather in Salford to protest Tory conference

Students from The University of Salford attended a protest against The Conservative Party amidst proposals to speed up student loan repayments.

Image: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash (Image requires no attribution)

“They’ll last a lot longer than an Easter Egg” – Wood Street Mission launches book appeal for Salford children

Wood Street Mission has launched their Books Forever 2021 Appeal, which asks people to donate brand new books for children […]

Copyright permission granted by Paul Williams

“You only have to scratch the surface and there’s an awful lot of history in Salford”-Museum of Transport Greater Manchester plan a 100 year celebration for Salford buses

The Museum of Transport Greater Manchester is currently working on a project that will refurbish the engine of a 1939 […]

Credit: Permission to use from Ellie Threlkeld. Twitter @Elliethrelkeld

“Excited to get a proper season in this year” – Manchester Originals Ellie Threlkeld is excited about the upcoming Hundred tournament

Rising star wicketkeeper Ellie Threlkeld is thrilled to be playing in the first match of the new The Hundred cricket […]