Tag: Irlam

“I’m not going to give up raising awareness” - zero-waste pop up shop comes to Irlam

“I’m not going to give up raising awareness” – zero-waste pop up shop comes to Irlam

The owner of a zero-waste store in Sale has hosted the first zero-waste pop-up shop in Irlam, in hopes Salford residents being more eco-friendly.

The Man on the Bench at Irlam Station. Photo Laura Joffre

New life-size statue unveiled at Irlam station

The local community gathered at Irlam Station on Monday morning for the unveiling of a new artwork, known as the Man on the Bench. The 200kg life-size statue of an old man resting on a Victorian bench is a bronze cast of a work originally created 40 years ago, by a then pupil of the local high school, Simon Law.