Tag: History

“The good thing about this profession… it’s about giving a bit back” – the Salford genealogist who helps families

“The good thing about this profession… it’s about giving a bit back” – the Salford genealogist who helps families

A professional genealogist and family historian from Eccles has been able to help people all over the UK building family […]

“We’re really struggling” – 19th century Broughton club could be on its last legs

“We’re really struggling” – 19th century Broughton club could be on its last legs

The Broughton Rugby Union Football Club has proudly served the Salford community for over 150 years, now the volunteers are […]

The Working class men library,Salford

Salford’s Working Class Movement Library granted £100k for Socialist group Big Flame history exhibit

Young activists in Salford will be able to learn about the revolutionary Big Flame organisation thanks to a £100k gift […]

Anthony Mulligan

“It’s the memories of the people that really matter” – Salford filmmaker documents the city’s changing landscape

Anthony Mulligan is a 36-year-old Salford born and bred filmmaker, and creator of the Daft Monkey Youtube channel. His videos […]

Local historian restores iconic Salford history with Langworthy photograph exhibition

Local historian restores iconic Salford history with Langworthy photograph exhibition

A local historian has exhibited a collection of old Salford photographs at Langworthy Cornerstone.  Striving to preserve Salford’s history at […]

Manchester Racecourse at its Catle Irwell venue. Image from YouTube.

Salford’s lost horse racing course – Thunderous galloping, noisy chattering and the Queen’s first win

With Cheltenham underway this week, attention is thoroughly focused on the horse-racing, so we’ve been saddled with digging into the […]

SELNEC plans for Salford in 1962.  Image: Manchester City Council under Creative Commons license.

A road to the past: Salford’s unbuilt motorway that would have destroyed landmarks and neighbourhoods

Many drivers in Salford today use the M602, however, plans from the 1960s could have made Salford look very different to how it does today.