Tag: Charity

Graham Smith, Director at Mono fire and security.

“Without that kind of support we just couldn’t provide all the services” – Charity’s fire systems repaired for free by local business

A local fire and security business is being praised after one of their employees offered their service to a local […]

Credit: Just Helping charity manager

Collecting trees for charity – ‘Just Helping’ continue spreading the Christmas spirit with their Christmas tree collection fund

Just Helping, a non-profit organisation, are continuing the Christmas spirit of helping others by offering a service where you can pay […]

"Check your pecks, your pits, your tits and your bits" - The group looking to promote cancer awareness for teens and twenties

“Check your pecks, your pits, your tits and your bits” – The group looking to promote cancer awareness for teens and twenties

A Salford student is using her Instagram influence to raise cancer awareness in young people. Alice Nowobilski is taking to the social […]

(© Copyright David Dixon and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.)

“Faith can move mountains” – How a Salford church are keeping the faith by bringing the community together during Coronavirus

Greater Manchester is an accepting place – regardless of race or religion, you’re welcome here.  Breaking it down, we find […]

Volunteers outside of John Lewis. Image courtesy of Home-Start.

“To give a little love to those families is just a really important thing” – Home-Start in Salford partners with John Lewis and Waitrose for Christmas campaign

This winter, residents across Salford will have the opportunity to ‘Give a Little Love’ to families in need by donating […]

Image from: https://pixabay.com/photos/coffee-cafe-mug-decorative-drink-983955/

“It gives carers some respite and a space to talk”- Gaddum launches virtual coffee morning for Salford carers

Greater Manchester charity ‘Gaddum’ has been hosting virtual coffee mornings for carers in Salford in light of the ongoing pandemic. […]

"It's enabling me to do what I like doing" - the community champion helping people in Salford

“It’s enabling me to do what I like doing” – the community champion helping people in Salford

A supermarket community champion from Walkden has been busy helping residents of Salford with different donations and charity events. Elaine […]