The manager of Salford’s Sports Traider, Forhan Ahmed, has revealed his delight following the stores first month in business at […]
Tag: Charity
“We’re helping raise money to help the families really” – The importance of Macmillan this October
The month of October marks many fundraisers for cancer charities, including Go Sober which is in aid of Macmillan Cancer […]
Pendleton Together resident organises charity Black History Month health event
On Friday 1st October, Owen Power and the charity BHA for Equality co-organised a Black History Month event in Pendleton. Stalls and speakers provided health information […]
“I wanted it to be for all the family” – Salford families march for World Mental Health Day
Families gathered in Salford’s Buile Hill Park to join a walk to promote mental health. Visit From The Stork CIC, […]
“The whole system is broken”: Salford Soul Sisters on lack of police rape units
A Salford charity says the criminal justice system that deals with sexual violence towards women needs a complete overhaul. Nicola […]
“Mindless” – CCTV crowdfunder after mental health charity’s greenhouse in Salford vandalised
A Salford resident has started a crowdfunder after Salford community mental health charity was the target of vandalism, causing thousands […]
Derelict car park in Salford transformed into MUD’s newest community garden
A once unused derelict car park in Salford has now been transformed into a community garden. Mona Street, just a […]
Eight men dressed as scooter grannies raced from Anfield to Old Trafford on children’s scooters to raise £4,800 for disabled ten year old
Eight men dressed as grannies travelled from Anfield to Old Trafford on June 26th dressed as grannies to raise £4,800 […]
Reception school teacher cycling over 2,000 miles to raise money for pupils
Daniel Hunter, a reception teacher at St Paul’s CE Primary School, has taken on a challenge to cycle 2,021 miles […]
Salford’s Seven Brothers beerhouse becomes drop off point for period poverty charity
Salford’s Seven Brothers Middlewood Locks beer house has become a drop off point for period poverty charity, Every Month. Every […]
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