Tag: Cancer

“It’s ordinary people doing extraordinary things” - Salford children’s cancer research charity hoping to raise £10,000

“It’s ordinary people doing extraordinary things” – Salford children’s cancer research charity hoping to raise £10,000

Kidscan Cancer Research Charity, in Salford, is hoping people will get involved in their ‘Step for Science’ event to raise […]

"Check your pecks, your pits, your tits and your bits" - The group looking to promote cancer awareness for teens and twenties

“Check your pecks, your pits, your tits and your bits” – The group looking to promote cancer awareness for teens and twenties

A Salford student is using her Instagram influence to raise cancer awareness in young people. Alice Nowobilski is taking to the social […]

Credit: Luke Spilsbury, John Davies, David Kearney

“I was told that I wouldn’t make it past October” – Men of Salford take on Movember to raise money for cancer

Men from the Salford community have been taking on this month’s ‘Movember‘ moustache growing challenge to raise money and awareness […]