Tag: Cafe

Image Credit: Incredible Education
Permission to use from Ian Bocock

“It’s for the local community to enjoy” – How a community garden in Salford is teaching children about the great outdoors

The group behind the restoration of a derelict patch of land into a thriving forest garden for children have reflected on a successful first year after waving goodbye to the final visiting group of 2020.

Salford Volunteer Rangers are selling wooden owls to support the maintenance of green spaces

Salford Volunteer Rangers are selling wooden owls to support the maintenance of green spaces

Salford Volunteer Rangers are selling handmade wooden owls in time for Christmas with proceeds going towards keeping the region’s green […]

Image credit: Sarah Whitehead (permission given)

“If it wasn’t for the deliveries I would struggle” – Salford Community café offers free meals for locals in need

A community café in Salford are struggling for donations for their free meals scheme.  The Beacon Cafe on London Street […]