Tag: Art exhibition

secondary breast cancer awareness

Powerful art exhibition to raise awareness for secondary breast cancer

Salford will become home to a captivating art exhibition that will raise awareness for secondary breast cancer. Guests around Salford […]

Flying Copper at the Art of Banks exhibition.
Photo credit: Hayden Knowles

“It’s been fantastic seeing some of this artwork in Salford” – Banksy exhibition opens in Media City

The Art of Banksy exhibition displaying 145 original pieces of his work is now open in Media City, Salford.  The exhibition has […]

Image by Joe Smith

“I found the power in sharing my story”- Salford artist commissioned to create multimedia piece to represent her time in care

Salford based artist Jessie Needlewoman, has been commissioned by 42nd street to produce a piece for their ‘Art Exploration’ exhibition which will represent her journey as a care experienced person.