A DETAINED refugee has been released after facing deportation from Manchester Airport to Uganda, where she faces persecution. Lydia Nabukenya was […]
Manchester students collaborate in new campaign to combat homelessness
PLANS for a new homelessness campaign in Manchester takes place next week, ahead of the mayoral election. A city-wide meeting […]
Salford school kids take over City Council
LAST Friday, a group of primary and secondary school children took over Salford City Council, to decide which charity the […]
Duty tax rise slammed by Manchester alcohol industry
THE government’s decision to increase alcohol duty tax nationally has been slammed by pubs and breweries in Greater Manchester. The tax increase, […]
Salford mayor steps in to protect historic playing fields
SALFORD’S City Mayor has intervened to dispel fears that historic Duncan Matheson playing fields in the Claremont area are to […]
Protesters challenge Government in court over decision to allow fracking sites in Manchester
MANCHESTER anti-fracking campaigners gathered outside the high court yesterday as the government’s decision to introduce fracking at a site in […]
Less than a month to register to vote in Greater Manchester mayoral election
THERE is now less than a month left to register to vote in the Greater Manchester Mayoral election. The deadline […]
Salford Death Café marks six months since it opened
SALFORD’S first Death Café is gearing up to mark six months since it first opened this Friday. The Blue Lotus Death […]
Celebrity chefs to cook up a storm at 2017 Bolton Food Festival
BOLTON Council have announced a stellar line up for the 2017 Bolton Food and Drink Festival – including Ainsley Harriot, James […]
Wigan gyms join global fitness campaign to earn sports equipment for local schools
GYM goers in Wigan are donning their cardio gear and donating moves as part of a global fitness campaign which […]
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