
21-year-old organises Charity Christmas concert in aid of Wythenshawe Transplant unit

BURY born Jess Williams planned a Christmas concert to raise money for Wythenshawe Transplant unit charity ‘New Start’ and the […]

Lancashire Mining Museum needs to save its last standing pit head

The Astley Green Colliery Museum are running projects to save the last Pit Head standing in Lancashire. The museum is home to the only working winding engine in Europe and it has taken 30 years to restore; now the pit head needs saving too.

67 Salford students could receive life changing bursaries

With the increase in tuition fees for university increasing this year from £9,000 to £9,250 per year of study, the bursary scheme at the university ensures that talented students can come to university to study regardless of their financial circumstances by providing students with a £1000 bursary for their first year of study.