
"At some point we are all going to be carers" - Gaddum Salford Carers on why their support is crucial

“At some point we are all going to be carers” – Gaddum Salford Carers on why their support is crucial

A service manager for Gaddum Salford Carers, which supports unwaged carers of all ages says that although the sector is facing […]


Salford brings light to carers on Carers Rights Day

This Friday will see carers celebrated in Salford on Carers Rights Day. Langworthy Cornerstone will be one of several venues across the UK hosting events as part of a national campaign to help carers understand their rights under care legislation.

University of Salford will help EU employees with Brexit bill

University of Salford will help EU employees with Brexit bill

The University of Salford has committed to funding the fees arising for its EU citizen employees when they need to apply for settled status through the EU Citizen Settlement Scheme.