
University of Salford 
Credit: Ellie Gifford

“This lockdown won’t do anything” – 64.9% of people think universities should close In lockdown II

In a recent social media poll, 64.9% of people believe that universities should close during this second lockdown. Currently, universities […]

Credit: Luke Spilsbury, John Davies, David Kearney

“I was told that I wouldn’t make it past October” – Men of Salford take on Movember to raise money for cancer

Men from the Salford community have been taking on this month’s ‘Movember‘ moustache growing challenge to raise money and awareness […]

window trail salford

Coming up: Socially-distanced Nativity Window Trail is to bring hope to Salford community this Christmas

Leading up to Christmas, a socially-distanced Nativity Window Trail has been set up to bring hope to the Salford community […]

Image credit: European Parliament on Flickr. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (

“Rabbi Lord Sacks was an intellectual and spiritual giant” – Salfordians pays tribute to former chief rabbi Lord Sacks

Image credit: European Parliament on Flickr. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (   Salford residents have paid tribute to the former chief rabbi, Lord Jonathan […]

Light up a Life memorial service – Manchester Cathedral.

“It’s important for us to take a moment to reflect and remember” – Salford charity Light up a Life this Christmas with online service

Salford-based St Ann’s Hospice are hosting the Light up a Life Appeal online to help Salfordians remember lost loved ones.