
Copyright permission granted by Lucy Webber

“This has been a time that will stay with many of us in the years to come” – Lockdown’s long-term effects on mental health

Although the physical threat of Covid-19 is higher for older people, many statisticians and charities have reported a sharp upturn […]

A Spiralling Mind by Odd Arts UK

“The impact has been huge. We couldn’t ignore it”- Salford CCG funds theatre charity revamp performance to tackle Covid-19

The theatre charity, Odd Arts UK, is putting on an interactive theatre performance for Salford schools using professional actors to […]

Image credit: Excalon

Salford company works on lowering carbon emissions during pandemic

One of the country’s leading infrastructure contractors Excalon, specialising in services within the utilities industry, have continued their pivotal work throughout both lockdowns.

Darren Bailey with daughter Freya

“It makes you feel good that you’re doing it for someone else, you’re doing it for a purpose”: The men helping a Salford dad raise funds for daughter’s treatment

Two dads who struck up a virtual friendship on Facebook are to meet up for the first time for a fundraising walk to help one of their daughters.