The Black Friar in Salford has opened its new garden bar to the public. After keeping the citizens of Salford […]
“She wears her hair like a crown in itself” – Salford sculptor behind Alien Autopsy celebrates the Queens Platinum Jubilee with distorted portrait
The Salford artist behind the Alien Autopsy model is being featured in a Manchester art exhibition, celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. […]
New artist in residence for Salford Shopping Centre ahead of 50 year anniversary
Salford Shopping Centre is to have its own artist in residence ahead of the 50th anniversary of the building. Chelsea […]
From Preston to Blackpool – Scooter grannies ride again!
Seven men dressed as grannies will be racing from Preston FC to Blackpool Town Centre on children’s scooters to raise […]
“It will become something which is theirs” – The Buile Hill Mansion Association look for a new sculpture
The Buile Hill Mansion Association are looking for suggestions for a new addition to their sculpture trail. The new sculpture […]
“I Have a Connection with These People” – Salford residents feature in urban portraiture project
Photographer Rino Pucci is looking for people from Salford to feature in his newest project: “When in Manchester“. Rino Pucci […]
Sewer collapse on the A57 in Salford
Road works on one of Salford’s busiest roads will be extended for several weeks after workers discovered a collapsed sewer. […]
Creative partner chosen for £2.5 billion Salford Crescent Regeneration
Loaf, a Manchester Creative agency, was recently chosen as the brand partner for the whopping £2.5 billion Salford Crescent and […]
Breath Champs, the organisation educating children and adults on respiratory illnesses
A local organisation aims to educate children and adults on breathing problems. Breath Champs is providing solutions and management techniques […]
Emmaus Charity in Salford helps care for the homeless
Emmaus Charity in Salford is centred around a residential community, where people who have experienced homelessness come to make it […]
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