
Sophie, Alicja and their housemate 
Photo used with permission from Sophie Stansfield

“I feel like dyslexia isn’t talked about enough” – Salford student raises more than £200 for British Dyslexia Association

A University of Salford student completed half a marathon over the weekend to raise money for a charity close to […]

© Joel Goodman - 07973 332324 - all rights reserved. For NHS Internal Comms use . 08/12/2020. Salford, UK. TED JONES  ( Frederick Jones ) is the first to be vaccinated . The first to receive the Coronavirus vaccine at Salford Royal (formerly Hope ) Hospital . The Pfizer / BioNTec Covid-19 vaccine is being administered to patients around the UK from today ( 8th December 2020).  . Photo credit : Joel Goodman

“The right decision” – Salford nurse speaks out after vaccines become compulsory for frontline NHS staff in England

Salford Royal Nurse speaks out as health sectary has announced that NHS staff across England will have to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

permission to use.
sent by george wright

“We have a laugh and a lot of fun” – A friendship group for over 50s is being held at the Energise Centre in Salford

A new friendship group for over 50s to help combat the isolation of Covid is running every Tuesday  at the […]

Image Credit: Province of British Columbia (Flickr)

“There is a lot of misinformation out there” – Salford professor encourages community to get vaccinated

A Salford University professor is encouraging people to get their Covid-19 vaccinations as the winter months close in. Penny Cook, […]

“There are a variety of myths that have grown up over time” – Professor Mike Wood hosts ‘Mythbusting Chernobyl’ lecture in Salford

“There are a variety of myths that have grown up over time” – Professor Mike Wood hosts ‘Mythbusting Chernobyl’ lecture in Salford

The myths and misinformation surrounding the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster will be discussed at a free public lecture at the […]

Photo Credits to Natasha Downing

“Anybody can Join in and do some exercise and hopefully have some fun as well” – The Salford Energise Healthy living Centre introduce inclusive chair-based fitness classes.

The Energise Healthy living centre based in the heart of Salford, are holding chair-based fitness groups to help keep all […]