
Pearl Bordered Fritillary - Luke Blazejewski

Salford-based Wildlife Film Maker raises awareness for the ‘magic natural world’ with new film about the Pearl-bordered Fritillary

Salford-based wildlife film-maker and researcher Luke Blazejewski has produced a film about the Pearl-bordered Fritillary, a butterfly species that is […]

© Copyright David Dixon. Reuse under CC BY-SA 2.0

Bats, newts, voles, swans and kingfisher can all be sighted at Salford’s Peel Park, experts say

What are the best things to see at Peel Park? Salford’s Wildlife Society and Peel Park rangers identify the highlights worth seeing.

Image Credit - Wikimedia Commons

“Salford is a failing council” – Conservative campaigns for Worsley in local elections

Conservative Councillor Robin Garrido is representing Worsley in the upcoming local elections on Thursday, May 2 and today spoke about what he believes to be Salford Councils financial failures and its inability to protect green belt land.