
Sculpture being filled with molten bronze. 
CC: Emma Rodgers

“It truly is a revolutionary city” – Salford horse sculpture that celebrates local history approaches final hurdle

More details have been added to the Salford horse sculpture that celebrate the city’s history as it begins to be […]

photo taken by Georgie Gilbert

“It would be a great loss to the community” – Salford’s ‘Church on the Hill’ faces closure due to Covid-19

Despite surviving two World Wars, a Salford church may have to close permanently due to loss of money caused by […]

Eccles Cake, with the flag of Greater Manchester. Photo Credit: James Jones via Wikimedia Commons:,_from_Greater_Manchester.jpg

Why Eccles Cakes should be honoured on National Cake Day

Jamesjones79, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons The Salford delicacies Eccles cakes have been a staple of the Northern […]

The Print Store "Leopard Print Art" - Credit: @theprintstoremcr and Emma Blackett

“My margin would be way too small unlike major retailers!” – Local artist Emma Blackett on Black Friday sales

With Black Friday rapidly approaching on 27th November, shoppers can expect to be seeing some major discounts from big retailers, […]