
copyright:Oceans apart

Oceans Apart Gallery launch new exhibition: “Lovers Lane” explores sensual human nature

Lovers Lane is a FREE exhibition of paintings by fourteen artists whose work luxuriates in form, and the mystifying Dionysian approach to painting  […]

Image credit: Mia Duthil McArthur

Back in Business: new Seven Brothers beer house finally opens to public in MediaCityUK

Salford-based Seven Brothers Brewing company opened its new beer house at MediaCityUK in line with the new government guidelines on […]

Sophie Lancaster (left), and her Coronation Street counterpart Nina (right). Photo credit: screenshots, left from ( and right from (

“Whilst I can talk about her, she’s still here” – Coronation Street storyline sheds light on tragic story of Sophie Lancaster

Sophie Lancaster, who was murdered in 2007 for being a goth, has been remembered in a new Coronation Street storyline inspired by her storyline.

"There's so much appetite for it" - The three craft breweries in Salford get ready to serve beer indoors

“There’s so much appetite for it” – The three craft breweries in Salford get ready to serve beer indoors

Salford is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of craft beer culture with fans eager to return to brewery tap rooms when […]

Workers on a break at the Protector Lamp and Lighting Company Eccles. Credit: George Shepherd

100 photographs from 1960s Salford will be showcased in a new nostalgic exhibition at the Salford Museum and Art Gallery

Hundreds of Salford snaps from the 1960s will feature in a new exhibition ‘A Trip Down Memory Lane’ as soon […]