Cost of Living

House for sale in Kersal

“It feels like all the money we’ve saved has been for nothing”- First-time house buyers in Salford fear being frozen out of market following mini-budget

Prospective home-owner in Salford fear they won’t be eligible for a mortgage, following a decline in the number of mortgage […]

"We’ve had pretty much new members on a daily basis" - The Salford community grocery helping with the cost of living crisis

“We’ve had pretty much new members on a daily basis” – The Salford community grocery helping with the cost of living crisis

Removing the worry for those not knowing where their next meal will come from is key to the work of […]

REACH OUT: Start to end suicide. Last year's procession. Credit: Dennis Baldwin

“We are trying to save lives” – Hundreds to attend suicide remembrance procession as economic crisis takes severe toll on mental health

Reach Out: Start to end suicide’s procession is due to happen tomorrow, celebrating the lives of those lost to suicide […]

Credit: Paula James

“We reduced all the costs that each team has to pay”- Beechfield United Chairwoman fighting against Cost of Living Crisis

A grassroots football club in Salford is working to reduce the effects of the Cost of Living Crisis for local […]

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“We should be reducing the cost of school meals” – Salford headteacher criticises increase of school meal prices

Teachers have slammed Salford City Council’s decision to raise school meals by 10p in price. The decision will come into […]

Stall at Best Bargains - Credit: Mel Cionco

“The worst is yet to come” – cost of living crisis threatens Eccles business owners’ livelihoods

The cost-of-living crisis has Eccles business owners anxious about making ends meet while charity shops adjust to a higher than pandemic demand.

“They showed their true colours”- Salfordians react to Government U-turn on 45p tax-cuts

Salfordians have expressed their concerns over the U-turn to scrap the 45p tax rate. The plan was originally announced only […]