Salford City Councillor John Warmisham

A veteran Salford councillor has resigned from the Labour Party after claiming it has “lost its moral compass and no longer represents the communities that it was set up to serve.” 

Councillor John Warmisham who has been a member of the Labour Party had already announced that he would not be running as a candidate in the May 2026 local elections.

As he had said previously: “I was first elected in May 1991, so by May 2026 I will have served 35 years as a councillor in the city I love.”

However, Cllr. Warmisham resigned from the Labour Party last night (Sunday 23 March) after directing a letter to Mayor of Salford City, Paul Dennett – choosing to run the remainder of his role as an Independent Socialist.

Following his decision, he wrote a letter to the Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett, which said: “Dear City Mayor, I feel I have no option to resign from the Labour Party.

“A party that through this current national leadership has lost its moral compass and no longer represents the communities that it was set up to serve.”

First elected into the position in 1991, the Salford councillor said in the letter: “Cutting the welfare benefits to the disabled, the sick, the poor, and the vulnerable, whilst committing billions of pounds to arms and supporting wars is immoral.

“As well as government ministers pushing pensioners, families, and children further into poverty.”

The letter the continued: “This in no way reflects on you or the Labour Party who have stuck and continue to do so, to the socialist principles that the Labour Party was founded on.”

The “born and bred” Salfordian announced that he will continue his current term of office as an Independent Socialist.

As he added that he wanted to “represent the people of Pendleton and Charlestown Ward, who I care for very much, in the City I love.”

The full letter of resignation from the Labour Party by Councillor John Warmisham can be found here.

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