new play to give voice to domestic abuse survivors - google street view

A new Salford theatre production is set to give a voice to domestic abuse survivors using their own words this March. 

The performance at Salford’s Kings Arms is set to be directed by David Thacker, with the renowned director returning with the production of That Can’t Have Happened!

The play will run from Wednesday 19 March until Sunday 23 March and will aim to shed light on their experiences through their own words – based on real-life conversations with domestic abuse survivors.

David Thacker, a former Artistic Director of the Octagon Theatre Bolton, collaborated closely with Lisa Connor for this production with the script crafted entirely from transcripts of conversations with five women supported by Fortalice, a Bolton-based domestic abuse charity.

The stories from the play come from courageous women who have shared their stories, agreeing to have their words used exactly as spoken, ensuring authenticity and emotional depth in the performance.

The cast will feature esteemed actors Vicky Binns, Isabel Ford, Bel Odawa, Eve Steele, and Flo Wilson.

And The University of Greater Manchester has generously sponsored the production, proving its ongoing commitment to Fortalice and the cause of supporting survivors of domestic abuse.

Fortalice Chief Executive, Gill Smallwood MBE, has played a pivotal role in facilitating the project, arranging for Thacker to meet and interview the women.

Gill said: “Domestic abuse is always difficult to talk about.

“But, due to the bravery of these five women sharing their stories, this play gives us an opportunity to hear the reality of how abuse affects victims and survivors.”

The play will be an emotional performance detailing real-life events, ahead of the production, Thacker expressed his gratitude and admiration for the women who entrusted him with their stories.

He said: “I am astonished by their generosity and courage. They have been an inspiration to me and the actors, who are deeply committed to expressing their pain, fear, love, and hope.”

Lisa Connor, owner of the Kings Arms and co-director, echoed this sentiment, emphasising the production’s impact, she said: “The trust that Fortalice has shown us is remarkable.

“I know that David and the actors will repay that trust as they share the struggles and achievements of these five special women.”

The play includes a special ‘women only’ performance on 21 March, to ensure accessibility for those who might otherwise hesitate to attend.

Throughout the performances audiences will be able to speak to trained professionals from Fortalice, who will be available to provide support on the issues portrayed.

That Can’t Have Happened! is the latest in a series of powerful productions by Thacker and Connor, following their success with American Buffalo and Faith Healer.

And with the honest portrayal of survival, this play promises to be one of the most important theatrical events of the year in Salford.

Tickets are available now for performances at the Kings Arms, Salford, with the production of That Can’t Have Happened! running from 19-23 March.

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