local pharmacies

Residents across Salford are being asked to share their experiences of local pharmacies to help recognise needs in the city.

The responses will be collected by the Salford Health & Wellbeing Board, who are working on a new Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) for local Salford pharmacies.

The PNA assessment will help the board identify any potential gaps in pharmaceutical service delivery.

The assessment is a legal requirement for the Salford Health & Wellbeing Board. However, residents sharing  opinions can help ensure that pharmacy services in Salford are tailored to residents’ needs.

Those who participate will be assisting the Salford Health & Wellbeing Board fill any gaps and influence the future decisions regarding changes in pharmacy provision.

This was shared by Councillor Mishal Saeed, Executive Support Member for Social Care and Mental Health, said: “Our local pharmacies are essential pillars of our community, providing invaluable care and support through services like NHS Pharmacy First and the NHS Minor Ailment Scheme.

“With many pharmacies offering weekend access and free consultations for common illnesses, we are making healthcare more accessible than ever.” 

Cllr Saeed continued: “Pharmacists are on hand to address medication concerns, promote healthy living, and offer vital services such as contraception and smoking cessation support.

“By collaborating and promoting initiatives within our networks, we can enhance the support for local pharmacy services in Salford and ensure that every member of our community has access to the care they need.”

Councillor Mishal added: “We would greatly appreciate your support in promoting the survey within your networks, community groups and digital channels to encourage as many responses as possible.

“Your contribution will be invaluable to local pharmacy services in Salford.”

The support shown in the feedback will also help the board ensure that the people of Salford are heard and will help with Salford City Council’s commitment to creating a creating a fairer, greener, healthier and more inclusive city for all.

And for those wishing to share their feedback can do so via the link here.

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