Paul Dennett signs charter

A regeneration zone around Port Salford is set to bring thousands of new jobs to the city.

A second phase of the Western Gateway development, to include Salford Community Stadium, has made headway this week with the council signing off on plans to explore the potential of a creating a special enterprise zone,

The Western Gateway refers to the area surrounding the Liverpool Road and M62 corridors and along the route of the Manchester Ship Canal.

Salford Port Phase 2 and developments at the City of Salford Community Stadium collectively provide an opportunity to deliver 511,000 sqm of new employment floorspace.

The development as a whole is predicted to create 5,790 new jobs and generate £6.4 million in business rates. 

The intention is to create a Mayoral Development Zone (MDZ) in which a Mayor can seek to channel significant investment and development activity with the goal of regenerating and revitalising that specific area. 

The Salford zone is set to be part of a joint approach with Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Trafford Council to regenerate the area.

Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “Realising the full potential of the Western Gateway and Port Salford and driving significant growth and economic benefit has long been a key aspiration for the city council.  

“This much-needed redevelopment and subsequent growth will not happen, overnight, but this step is an important and exciting one as it moves our aspirations for this area of the city closer to becoming a reality.” 

The MDZ is seen as the way to provide clear governance, resources and a dedicated work programme to secure investment to unlock key development sites in the Western Gateway.

The Western Gateway is one of six growth locations in Greater Manchester identified to generate significant inclusive growth and economic benefits. In order to unlock potential growth, the site is reliant on significant highway and rail infrastructure investment.

Port Salford has been a long-term component of the city’s planned future regeneration and growth for the City Council.  

Port Salford Phase 1 already has consent for the construction of a freight interchange served by ship, road and rail, comprising 155,000 sqm of warehousing with the potential to be the only tri-modal port in the UK. The initial development in 2017 saw the completion of 55,000 sqm of warehouse space occupied by Great Bear. 

Trafford Council has already backed the mayoral development zone move and the joint plans go to GMCA on Friday.

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