Tom Newall conducting the Salford Choral Society. Taken by Me

An independent Salford society are set to perform at the University of Manchester’s Cosmo Rodewald Hall this year.

The Salford Choral Society consists of a choir of 80 people and will perform to guests led by conductor Tom Newall.

The performance of Messiah will be on December 8 at 3 pm, played alongside the Baroque in the North orchestra.

The choir was founded in 1947 and meets weekly, celebrating their 75th anniversary this May, and is a choir without audition so anybody can get involved.

The choir consists of people from many backgrounds, with some travelling from Blackburn and Sale to be a part of the community.

As Tom Newall said: “For a lot of our members, coming together on a Wednesday night is really important social occasion, especially for people who aren’t able to get out of the house, perhaps as often as they’d like.

“Last month, we did a piece called Elijah, which is for a full choir, five soloists, full orchestra. And we did that down at the Royal Northern College of Music.

He continued: “My role is the music director, so my job is to lead all the rehearsals and the concerts, but I see my role as that of having a warm, positive atmosphere where people can test themselves.

“We can do ambitious musical projects alongside musical projects that are easier to reach, but the thrill of performing is something that really spurs all the members on.”

The choir have performed Messiah since they formed 1947, the year the society was made – even managing to perform during COVID, as Tom continued: “We recorded a messiah. So at the time, non-professional singers were not allowed to meet. Professionals were so we hired solo singers and we filmed them, and all the members sat at home and watched, it was lovely.

“This is our first time performing at Cosmo concert hall. And the logistics of finding a venue that suits our needs are quite difficult, because we need enough performance space on stage. We need enough space backstage, place to put the orchestra and place to put our audience.

“We play in venues here in Salford, with some up at St Thomas’s in Pendleton, and with occasionally some at Salford Cathedral.”

And this year guests will be able to watch them live and sing their annual traditional of Messiah, tickets to the event will range between £16 and £19.

The choir seems to mean a lot to the people in the community, with Roderick ‘Roddy’ Barrand being involved in the choir since 1983.

The long serving member of the Salford Choral Society joining as the accompanist to then-conductor James Eastham.

He noted that it was interesting watching people come and go over the years, and watching Tom come in has breathed “new life into the choir, from a sheer force of personality.”

As he continued: “He has that sort of dynamic, all-encompassing personality, which an outfit that this really needs”

The performance will certainly aim to be one to remember and will be an exciting opportunity to hear the choir.

For more information on the Salford Choral Society and the performance, click here.

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