autism dro-in sessions disability forum Eccles Gateway - Salford Autism safe place

A Salford charity is encouraging people with autism to develop their own skills in a safe environment.

The small organisation, Salfordautism has been offering a safe space to autistic people in the area for 12 years.

Salfordautism has been ensuring people are offered a safe environment to develop their own skills, running drop in sessions in Eccles.

Throughout the sessions they allow autistic people to communicate with other autistic people to build self-confidence.

Following the support they offer, Peter Baimbridge, the director of Salfordautism, said that the assistance can be “anything from helping people write forms and letters to helping in meetings.”

Salfordautism Director, Peter Baimbridge

Peter continued: “Most problems are a lack of familiarity with how to communicate with and help autistic people.”

Peter Baimbridge shared that Salfordautism wants to change the way people treat people with autism, he continued: “We are focused on the problems the world gives to autistic people.

“We want to change other people’s attitudes.”

The organisation also makes sure to encourage that they are supporting everyone from the inside and not the outside.

He continued: “We are coming from the community, not to the community. We all have our own diagnoses.”

Salfordautism have been running the drop in sessions since the creation of the organisation, with the Salford-based session taking place place at the Eccles Gateway on the second Thursday of every month.

Residents who cannot attend those sessions, can also visit sessions on the first Friday of the month in Fan Boy Three in Manchester’s Northern Quarter.

These locations were chosen to ease access for people in Salford but also “gives the advantage of being available to anyone in the Greater Manchester area,” continued Peter.

Each drop in session is available for everyone with no diagnosis required, with the intention of inviting a safe space for people with autism to communicate with other people who are in similar situations.

More information about the monthly event can be found here.

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