Worsley Brow

There will be temporary lane closures around Worsley Brow as works will soon start to install new traffic lights for pedestrians.

Works are due to start from Monday July 22 and should take six weeks until they are finished. Salford City Council stated the work has been scheduled for the school summer holidays to ‘minimise disruption’ and works will only take place between 9.30am and 3.30pm to avoid rush hour traffic.

The decision was made after temporary traffic lights were installed in February 2023 and the data from the trial was analysed. The key findings showed that with traffic lights in the area, there was a more balanced flow of vehicles at the roundabout and there were notable improvements in bus journey times.

If the teams hit no issues the work is expected to be completed by Friday August 30.

While works are taking place temporary lane closures will be in effect during working hours, and alternative pedestrian routes will be provided to ensure continued access and safety for all road users.

Councillor Mike McCusker, Lead Member for Planning, Transport and Sustainable Development at Salford City Council, said: “This decision from the data we have got aims to enhance the roundabout’s overall balance, offer improved access in all directions, and create a safer and more enjoyable environment for pedestrians.”

The new crossings will feature modern and safe facilities for pedestrians with push-button activation. Queue sensors on Worsley Road and Barton Road will also aim to regulate traffic flow at the roundabout.

The permanent system, designed to address concerns raised during the trial period, will supposedly provide ‘a more seamless experience’ for drivers and pedestrians, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable journey for all.

For those seeking more information, detailed project updates and information on traffic restrictions during the construction can be found on the Salford City Council website at www.salford.gov.uk/worsleybrow.

Notices will also be posted at local bus stops to keep the community updated about any temporary relocations or diversions to bus services during the construction period.

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