Flowers by Bethany

Flowers by Bethany will be joining 1,000 other florists to celebrate the nation’s first National Florist Day coming up on June 8.

The flower shop on Manchester Road is offering a special National Florist Day Bouquet, with 20 per cent of donations going to the Cash for Kids charity.

Flowers by Bethany
The National Florist Day Bouquet

The flower shop also plans to take their workstations outside tomorrow (June 6) to allow “the community to witness the intricate process behind each floral creation.”

The shop’s owner Bethany Byrne (28) from Golborne has worked at the shop for 12 years since she was 16. She said she is “really excited” for this week.

“I think just to have the customers understand a little bit more about what we do is quite nice,” Bethany said.

“It’s good for them to not just have the assumption that we play with flowers because it isn’t just playing with flowers. We have customers that we’ve been there for and known for years that we king of almost become friends with rather than just having them as customers.”

Flowers by Bethany has managed to survive the national pandemic and the cost of living crisis, however to Bethany this wasn’t too much of a surprise as the floral industry is a “steady market”.

When referring to the ongoing cost of living crisis, Bethany said: “General little gifts aren’t as sought out but our events and funerals are just carrying on as normal if not growing.

“The occasions that we cover  have potentially increased because it’s what people feel is necessary. With your weddings, people are putting into them because they want that day with their family and their friends rather than it being all focused on numbers.”

Bethany has also had a loyal client base throughout her time at the shop.

Bethany added: “We have quite a big customer base that is recurring customers so that kind of keeps us going. 

“With our weddings, that is (spread) through word of mouth so we just get bookings from having bookings.”

This weekend, Flowers by Bethany will be offering free cupcakes for anyone who buys anything in the shop.

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