Crime and Punishment

This June, The Kings Arms will feature a night of short plays centred around themes of crime and punishment.

The Salford based Farewell Theatre Company will be hosting the ‘Long Story Short’ night from June 11-13 at the historic venue on Bloom Street.

The evening boasts five original short plays, between 15-30 mins each; all written by Ward J. Harries (Suffocate & The Joy of Falling).

Image is taken by Peter Hughes, Flickr

Ward said: “Through the stories’ similarities, we hope to question our audiences’ sense of morality, and ask them in the broadest and sometimes most specific terms: what does crime and punishment mean to them.

“Ultimately, it is our job as storytellers not to answer questions but to pose them ourselves through relevant narrative and by painting impactful spectacles.”

This will be Ward J. Harries’ second production as writer for Farewell after the success of ‘Me & Thee’ back in 2022. Not only has he written them all, he will be
performing in three, directing one and co-directing another.

As a group, Farewell are no strangers to wearing the many hats it takes to put on Fringe Theatre.

The Company Director, Ross Thompson, said: “If we don’t make the work then who will? I’ve been lucky that I’ve landed myself a great agent (Icon Actors Management) so things are going well acting wise but I’m still not working all the time.

“I want to act, scratch that, I HAVE to act so if the parts aren’t coming to me, I’ll make them myself.”

For tickets and more information, click here.

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