fatal road traffic collision

This week, the Salford region will support Greater Manchester’s Hate Crime Awareness Week.

Hate crime is defined as crime which is perceived to be motivated by prejudice against a person’s characteristic, such as race or religion, gender or sexual orientation, or disability.

Salford recorded the second highest rate of hate crimes in the Greater Manchester area between 2018 and 2019 with over a thousand cases reported.

The charity Salford Pride expressed their concern around the alarming rates of hate crime towards the LGBTQ+ community in the area

David Winterton of Salford Pride said: “The recent GMP hate crimes stats show a worrying 497 per cent increase in sexual orientation hate crimes in Salford over the last 10 years (35 in 2013 vs 174 in 2023).

“This is higher than the overall increase in hate crimes reported in Salford, seeing an increase of 295 per cent (373 in 2013 vs 1,099 in 2023).”

Police at work. Free public domain CC0 photo.

The charity expressed their concerns around the impact on victims of hate crimes within the LGBTQ+ community, stating: “Many LGBTQ+ people experience a hate crime during their life-time which can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health, affect a person’s self-worth and can cause people to become isolated or disengaged from their local communities.”

Despite a three year plan to lower hate crimes coming into place in 2020, Salford Pride believes that both national and local governments are not doing enough to combat the issue.

“Unfortunately this Government’s public negative views towards the LGBTQ+ community, especially trans people, fuels hate.”

Hate crimes in the UK are up by 11 per cent. This combined with cuts to funding for local authorities, reduces resources available locally to combat hate crimes.

Antisemitism is also prominent throughout Salford, as rates increasing by nearly a third in late 2023, with a notable increase in hate crimes in the Broughton and Prestwich areas.

Greater Manchester Police have issued a statement expressing their support for the cause.

“GMP is determined to tackle hate crime across the entirety of Greater Manchester, and works closely with communities to ensure they receive the best possible service.

“Over the next few days, officers across each district will be taking part in a range of activities and events.”

Salford Pride is using its platform to promote Hate Crime Awareness Week and to offer guidance to those affected – salfordpride.org.uk/support @salfordprideuk

Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images.

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