Caritas Salford is calling on local runners to take on the Great Manchester Run to “raise much-needed funds” after an increased demand for their service.
Caritas Salford has seen a “significant” increase in demand for its services and is appealing for support from anyone who feels they’re able to take on a challenge in 2024.

Patrick O’Dowd, director of Caritas Salford, said: “There are many people locally who are experiencing acute crisis and simply aren’t able to afford things that all of us should have access to.
“Whether that’s a safe, secure place to call home, three meals a day, or simply knowing they’re able to keep their children warm at night, hardworking individuals and families in Greater Manchester and Lancashire are finding themselves in unthinkable situations they never thought would happen.”
Patrick also admits that the team at Caritas Salford may be working harder than usual as some of their funding sources have been reduced.
Patrick added: “Our teams are working hard to support as many people as possible, but the fundraising landscape is also difficult as budget cuts mean many sources of funding are being reduced or simply aren’t available.
“We are working really hard to generate funds and work as efficiently as possible while also continuing to meet the urgent needs of local people. It’s a difficult balancing act, especially as our own costs, such as to heat the buildings that support people experiencing homelessness or food that we provide for local families, have also increased.
To find out more or to sign up for a place in the Great Manchester Run or at other events click here.
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