With data showing a rise in mental health related issues in children, Salford-based charity Recreate-U is holding a Christmastime event in Cadishead to help teach children how to improve and maintain their mental health.
Research conducted by The Health Foundation has shown that there has been a huge increase in prescriptions relating to mental health and an increase in GPs providing support for it, the data also showed that there is a prevalence of mental health issues in young women and adolescent girls.
When asked why they chose to specifically try and improve mental health in children Claire Benson, CEO of Recreate-U, said: “As teachers we saw the need for further support for children and young people many years ago. With the impact of Covid-19, we decided we needed to take action to help children, families and schools.
“We are keen to ensure that every child has a good start in life, to ensure a chance at a good future. We can’t stop life’s challenges or change the fact that there will be hurdles on the path now and in later life, but we can empower children with the tools and techniques to face and overcome them.”

The event will also hold activities for the children so that they can improve and boost their self-confidence, which is one of the key components to a child’s development, these have proven to be successful and they have had positive feedback.
Claire said: “Our children and families give us very positive feedback on the great work that we are doing. Parents have said that our team are really friendly and supportive, going above and beyond for their children.
“They also say they have seen a massive improvement in their children’s confidence.
One parent was in shock when their child ran in without saying goodbye in the morning because at the start of the club the child was hesitant to leave the parent’s side.
“The children tell us they really enjoy the games, activities, getting to see old friends and make new ones, going on trips and meeting our special visitors, and seeing the Recreate-U staff each holiday.”

Throughout the year Recreate-U holds a variety of events including ones based around Easter and summer.
The Christmastime event in Cadishead will taken pace on Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 of December from 10am – 2pm.
Tickets cost £10 but tomes eligible will get them for free, they can be booked via the eequ website.
For more information on this event and one that are upcoming visit their website for further details.
Featured image credit: Wikimedia Commons, Alhill42
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