Salford’s Adam and Eve’s Club, the oldest swingers bar in the UK, has been attracting people from all over the world to its weekend events since it reopened 18 months ago.
The club’s new owner Kerry Voellner has turned it into a themed adult alternative lifestyle social club, which was featured on the Channel 5 documentary Adults: 24 Hour Sex, Up All Night.

Kerry said she took part in the programme because she is passionate about reducing the stigma of an alternative lifestyle.
She said: “The programme was filmed a year ago, so there have been many changes since then.
“Yes, it is what was commonly referred to in the ’80s as a ‘swingers bar’ but it is so much more. We are a community social club over four floors.
“We provide safe spaces for those who wish to get a bit fruity and those in the LGBTQI+ communities. I love what I do and I am not ashamed one bit.”
She said she has built a team of professionals and they are now known as one of the safest clubs of its kind in the country.
Watch a short clip of my interview with Kerry.
Kerry said: “Ironically, you’re safer in a sex club than you are in a club in Manchester. We know exactly who people are.”
“We’re a non-alcohol establishment. People can bring their own but there are rules and limits. I have no tolerance with drugs. We allow four cans or half a bottle. It’s a very sober environment here.”
“We’re not a nightclub we are a social club that has events, it’s very well-managed. You can have a little drink, you can’t get drunk. I’ve not had to call the police once in 18 months.”
In 2021 a YouGov survey found ‘over three-quarters of UK adults think improved safety procedures in bars, pubs and nightclubs is necessary, following recent publicity around the safety of women and girls.’
“I’m very strict,” insisted Kerry. “We’re a low tolerance club. We don’t give second chances. This sends a clear message.”
“Adam and Eve’s brought out the Code Red policy which we’ve shared with other clubs in the same region – if you get barred from one club you’re automatically barred from the other clubs in the North. This has only happened once in 18 months between four clubs in the north.”
“Safety is key. At our festival there was no trouble, no fights, no drugs, no litter. This is in contrast to many mainstream festivals.”
Kerry has been working with Newcastle University to add to the discussion around polyamory becoming more accepted. Professor Chris Haywood has researched the AAL for 25 years and he reported: ”Each year sex clubs, traditionally called swingers clubs, are visited by over one million people in the UK.”

Kerry was happy to give a tour of the club. “I’m going to take you down to the dungeon. This was a dungeon and now it’s being renovated to be a Roman orgy room. We’ll bring it to life with murals.”
“Different areas are sponsored by different businesses and we’ve partnered with festivals such as Swingathon UK. Some rooms are private, I won’t accept pestering. We rarely get problems, everybody is so respectful.”
Kerry explained that they have a membership system and everything is properly licensed. Phones are kept in reception, to protect people’s identities unless it’s an event with permission.
Kerry clearly believes that attitudes are changing and that her club is helping to challenge the stigma once attached to the lifestyle.
Watch the full interview here:
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