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Salford Quays Councillor Alex Warren has announced his resignation to pursue his new career path for Watford Council.

Picture of Alex Warren<br />
Image of Councilllor Alex Warren via Salford City council website

Former councillor for the Quays Alex Warren announced his resignation via a X (Twitter) post. He claimed that his new position didn’t allow him to continue his role legally with Salford Council.

In a statement released last night Cllr Alex said: “With a heavy heart I am moving away to start the next chapter in my life. I am so glad that I have managed to achieve so much over the last few years here.

“I remember back in 2020, being fresh out of the Pandemic, having been cooped up inside for a year. I yearned for the outdoors, so I went to eat my lunch in Salford Quays.

“Whilst enjoying the waterside views and watching the wildlife that flourishes there, I happened to see a young Swan choking on a piece of polystyrene. It was in that moment that I knew I had to start my #CleanUpTheQuays campaign.

“I am so proud to have overseen one of the most ambitious local community initiatives in Greater Manchester really take off in such a big way. #CleanUpTheQuays is positive and easy to engage with, hundreds of people having taken part over the years on all our different projects.”

In Cllr Alex’s opinion, he states: “It is not right to stay on as a councillor if you don’t live in the area where you represent. Regrettably, many Councillors do that, even here in Salford.”

There has been a lot of talk around what his new role would be with some suspecting that he could be putting himself in the running for MP in the upcoming elections.

But he announced that he will be becoming part of the Watford Council which is what he considers his ‘lifeblood.’

Liberal democrats reacted to the news by saying: “Very sad to see young liberal democrats leave local governments especially in the North West and we’ll be ready to help retain your seat.”



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