One hundred volunteers were joined by Ceremonial Mayor of Salford Gina Reynolds to plant 600 trees in Dukes Drive Park.
In just two hours the planters managed to fill four areas of the park up with trees.
The day was hosted by ASEZ WAO, a local voluntary organisation of young adult workers from the World Mission Society Church of God.

ASEZ WAO voluntary coordinator Bradley Lawton said they regularly carry out voluntary work in Salford, often litter picking.
Lawton continued: “We want to do tree planting to create a longer lasting effect.
“We hope that young adults will take the lead in changing the world.”
The organisation mainly consists of students and workers aged 30 or under.

The purpose of the group is to create opportunities for young adults to do good work and raise awareness among young people about environmental issues.
The trees and tree shelters were donated by EFORESTS, a national not-for-profit organisation established to help combat climate change and restore woodlands throughout the UK.
Madam Mayor thanked the volunteers, stating that in the current world full of crime and disasters, these volunteer activities woukd bring a positive change toward creating a world of peace and happiness, where everyone feels comfortable as if in the arms of a mother.
ASEZ WAO is part of a ‘Mother Forest’ project aiming to plant seven billion trees globally to reduce greenhouse gases and cope with climate change.
It believes every person’s small effort will add up together to change the world.
You can find more information on their cause here.