A veterans community in Salford is organising weekly football sessions to help ex-soldiers’ mental health and social inclusion.
The free sessions have been set up by Foundation 92, and offer the chance for those who have served to meet up every Tuesday at Salford Sports Village.
Chantelle Jones, veterans community supporter officer, said: “We wanted to make a veterans team which we could hopefully, when the veterans league opens next year, we can enter that.
“At the minute it’s more for social inclusion, getting people out, meeting new people, making friends. It’s good for people’s physical health as you’re moving and playing football but it’s good for their mental health too getting out meeting and talking to new people.
“It gives them the chance to make a little veterans community in Salford.”
Former and current serving members of the armed forces and blue light veterans are welcome at the sessions, which begin at 7pm on Tuesday nights.
She said: “We’re seeing regular faces. We get that it’s midweek and people have different work, so not everyone can commit to every single week.
“We’ve made a little WhatsApp group, and those people then invite their friends which is good and hopefully we will just keep building like that.”
Foundation 92 offers further sessions for veterans, hosting a breakfast every Thursday and a walk every Wednesday for the same community.

“The best reason to come down is to meet other like-minded people. You’ll have been in the services, and you’ll have a lot of shared experiences and if you want to come down and have a laugh, a lot of people have the same kind of humor, so people come down and just have a good time,” said Chantelle.
“I know it’s daunting to come down on your own and join a new group, so I can come and meet you or speak to you beforehand, show you around or go in together, or even bringing a friend.
“It’s really beneficial for everyone to meet new people and get new friends, especially in the service community at the minute.”
With the obvious physical benefits, Chantelle has found that the attendees’ mental health has also taken an upturn, saying:

“The mental health side of it, with suicide rates so high at the minute, so having a space where you can come and meet and talk to new people really benefits you, and other people should come and give it a go.
“The thing you see most is them having a laugh with each other, that’s what come across every session. People are joking, having a laugh and a good time, and you can see they’re getting on with eachother and having fun, so it must be boosting them in some way. Also, people keep coming back, so they’re enjoying it and having a good time and making new friends.
“If people like football, and want to come and give it a go its free, so its no cost for them to come down and give it a go.”
Anyone looking to get involved with the veteran’s community in Salford can contact Chantelle at 07706 334848 or by email Chantelle.Jones@Foundation92.co.uk.
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