With it being the spookiest night of the year tonight, how do those wanting to go trick or treating stay safe and how can those staying at home keep trouble away?
Halloween is traditionally the single busiest night for most police forces and Salford is no exception.
Although most people will be out in costumes with the intention of getting as many sweets as they can, some people will be out for the wrong reasons.
Most of the crime that takes place on Halloween is property crime, this includes theft and vandalism.
Salford resident, Anne Farrar spoke about problems her mother has faced in the past on Halloween night. Ms Farrar said: “My mum had her house vandalised around three years ago on Halloween and before lockdown. She was in the process of setting up a new security system at the time, so she was very worried.
“Luckily a neighbour saw what was going on and called the police and since then the security system has been finished so she feels a lot safer now.”
One Salford mother, Christie, spoke about how she keeps her children safe whilst trick or treating. Christie said: “I’m always cautious taking the kids out trick or treating, I don’t let them take any sweets that aren’t in wrappers as you can’t be sure they’re safe.”

It’s recommended to leave your porch or downstairs lights on as troublemakers may avoid the house if they are aware that someone is at home.
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