The Salford survivor project holds bake sale to gather funding that will allow them to educate children on domestic abuse.
On Sunday 6th of March, the Salford Survivor project held a bake sale in hope to raise funding that will allow them access to schools. They hope to educate young people on the topic of domestic abuse and spread awareness of the issue.
The event was held next to Buile Hill Mansion within the park and offered a variety of different traybakes and cupcakes to raise money. Jenni Smith, 42, is the Chair of the event and shared how important the case is to Salford: “Salford Survivor project are trying to get match funding so that they are able to run a project in schools and speaking to children about domestic violence. We understand the importance of it so it’s our way of utilising the support we’ve got in the community, for other community groups”.
She also spoke about the intention of the programme: “We look at all of the topics in school, sex education and domestic abuse and violence, understanding the signs and things. Obviously, it will be done in an age-appropriate way, but it is massively important”.
In fact, according to NCADV statistics one in three women and one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. Because of this, the Salford Survivor project believe it is vital for young people to be well informed on the subject.

The project is run by local people in Salford, whose lives have unfortunately been affected by domestic abuse in some way:” They are local people supporting local people and they are all Salfordian’s as well, so they support people throughout Salford. The charity was set up because of experiences of people that they knew”.
The service the project provides is confidential and their main aim is to provide support for victims and to prevent circumstances of domestic abuse from worsening.” It’s fantastic what they do, they already run projects to help people who have been through abuse and to help them move forward so this is naturally the next step, devising a new cause for children”.
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