Salford Survivor Project are asking for donations in order to continue supporting Salford families over the Christmas period.
The Salford Survivor Project is a local charity that help both adults and children who have been affected by domestic abuse and to raise awareness of this abuse to the local community.
The charity has been running since 2013 after founder, Jane Gregory, set up the charity following the murders of two Salford mums, Linzi Ashton and Leanne McNuff.
They ensure that affected families who may be struggling financially or emotionally are given support and guidance. They also offer advocacy and support attending criminal or family court, safety planning and training programmes.

This time of the year is the hardest for charities like Salford Survivor Project, as the Christmas period can bring many challenges.
Jane Gregory said: “It’s the hardest time of the year and sometimes lack of support and finances are factors for those who have left the abuser. We appeal for new toys and gifts and financial donations to ensure we can purchase things that are in the list.
“Christmas is a stressful time and tempers can be frayed. Coupled with drugs or alcohol or financial hardship, the risk if abuse rises by more than a third.”
While a rise in domestic abuse incidents is seen over Christmas, cases have also risen due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.
There is a reported annual spike in domestic violence over Christmas and with the impact of the pandemic, it is estimated 15,000 children will be exposed to domestic abuse over the 2-week festive period.

It is not the events themselves that cause a rise in abuse, but they provide excuses for abusers to exert more power and control over their partners.
Many domestic abusers use Christmas and factors such as finances, alcohol and stress to excuse their behaviour. School closures and fewer opportunities also cause problems for victims to access support, which is why it is so important local businesses like this continue to provide this support.
In response to this, Jane said:
“Without services like ours children would not get a visit from Santa or even food to eat. We all need to realise that Christmas is about giving and sharing. That is what the story of Christmas is about, not who gets the latest computer game or designer trainers.”
You can donate to Salford Survivor Project’s charity shop, Butterflies Inspired By Angels,
located on 480 Liverpool Road, M307HZ, Peel Green, Eccles.
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